The following persons have contributed to the creation of the new website of the University of 皇冠比分网_皇冠即时比分-专为体育打造:
Main Task Force
Prof. G. Kreatsas, Vice-rector, Chaiman
Prof. G. Donatos, School of Law, Economics and Political Science, Dean
Prof. Κ. Macropoulos, School of Science, Dean
Prof. Α. Voskos, Faculty of Philology, Head
Prof. Κ. Dimitrakopoulos, Faculty of the Philosophy and History of Science, Head
Prof. D. Anapolitanos, Faculty of the Philosophy and History of Science
Prof. Ι. Ioannidis, Faculty of Informatics and Telecommunications
Prof. Μ. Meimaris, Faculty of Communication and Mass Media Studies
Assis. Prof. Kon. Mourlas, Faculty of Communication and Mass Media Studies
Prof. Ι. Dimitriou, Faculty of Economics
Prof. Β. Dendrinos, Faculty of English Studies
Dr. S. Bolis, Head of the Network Operations 皇冠比分网_皇冠即时比分-专为体育打造
S. Vanakaris, Head of the Computer 皇冠比分网_皇冠即时比分-专为体育打造
Technical Task Force
Prof. Β. Dendrinos
Prof. Κ. Dimitrakopoulos
Assis. Prof. Kon. Mourlas
Dr. S. Bolis
S. Vanakaris
Ε. Palogou, Secretariat
CMS administration - End-user training
S. D. Bolis, Network Operations 皇冠比分网_皇冠即时比分-专为体育打造
Design - Storyboard
makebelieve design & consulting
Development - Implementation
Antithesis Group