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Schools and Departments
» Schools and Departments
Schools and Departments
You can navigate to each Department's website from the list below.
School of Economics & Political Sciences
Deparment of Economics
Department of Communication and Media Studies
Deparment of Political Science & Public Administration
Department of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies
School of Education
Department of Early Childhood Education
Department of Primary Education
School of Health Sciences
Department of Dentistry
Department of Medicine
Department of Nursing
Department of Pharmacy
School of Law
Department of Law
School of Philosophy
Department of English Language and Literature
Deparment of French Language and Literature
Department of German Language and Literature
Department of History and Archaeology
Department of Italian Language and Literature
Department of Music Studies
Department of Philology
Department of Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology
Department of Psychology
Department of Russian Language and Literature and Slavic Studies
Department of Spanish Language and Literature
Department of Theatre Studies
School of Physical Education and Sport Science
Department of Physical Education and Sport Science
School of Science
Department of Biology
Department of Chemistry
Department of Geology and Geoenviromment
Department of History and Philosophy of Science
Department of Informatics and Telecommunications
Department of Mathematics
Department of Physics
School of Theology
Department of Theology
Department of Social Theology