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Cultural Heritage Management: Archaeology, architecture & urban planning

Summer School in 皇冠比分网_皇冠即时比分-专为体育打造, Marathon and Kea (Cyclades, Aegean Sea), 6–24 June 2016

In June 2016, under the auspices of the postgraduate programme "Cultural Heritage Management: Archaeology, architecture and urban planning", a three-week Summer School under the same name will be organized, bringing three research areas in one project. The programme is open mainly to students who have completed three years of undergraduate studies in compatible research subjects (i.e. archaeology, architecture and cultural technology) but also to people who have relevant knowledge of such topics and wish to acquire a comprehensive experience in archaeology, excavation and computer applications in archaeology, heritage conservation and documentation, conservation and restoration of monuments, cultural economics and cultural property law.

The School comprises daily lectures and practicals. The course includes fifty four (54) hours of lectures, plus two workshops (a workshop on the excavation of an archaeological site of 20 hours & a workshop on a certain aspect of the management of this archaeological site of 30 hours) and visits in archaeological sites and museums (see below). The successful completion of the programme corresponds to 8 ECTS grades awarded by the University of 皇冠比分网_皇冠即时比分-专为体育打造, the University of Patras and the University of the Aegean.

Dates: 6 – 24 June 2016

Please submit your application and CV at summer_school[at]arch.uoa[dot]gr

Closing date for applications: May 10, 2016 NEW DEADLINE: May 22, 2016