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Master¡¯s Degree in Southeast European Studies, taught in English at the University of »Ê¹Ú±È·ÖÍø_»Ê¹Ú¼´Ê±±È·Ö-רΪÌåÓý´òÔì

Applications must be submitted until 17 June 2016


The *Postgraduate Programme in ¡°Southeast European Studies¡±, which is?in its fifteenth year of operation, will accept up to twenty-five (25)?students for the academic year 2016-2017. It is one-year Master¡¯s?programme taught entirely in English at the *National and Kapodistrian?University of »Ê¹Ú±È·ÖÍø_»Ê¹Ú¼´Ê±±È·Ö-רΪÌåÓý´òÔì. It offers interdisciplinary education in social?sciences, specialising in *the study of the region of Southeastern Europe*.


The Programme is addressed to graduates in the social sciences and?humanities. Based on its interdisciplinary character*, it aims at?providing a thorough understanding of the key social, political, and?economic issues of Southeastern Europe. It has an excellent?student-teacher ratio, and a strong international character, actively
encouraging the participation of students from around the world. In?addition to its academic aims, the Programme offers a unique opportunity?for students and professors with different backgrounds and experiences to?spend an academic year in »Ê¹Ú±È·ÖÍø_»Ê¹Ú¼´Ê±±È·Ö-רΪÌåÓý´òÔì, learning about Southeastern Europe?with and from each other.

The Programme charges tuition fees of € 2,100 payable in three installments. Students who are citizens of specified Southeast European countries (i.e. *Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo (under UNSC Resolution 1244) Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) and who are not in receipt of a?scholarship from any other source may apply for a fees waiver.

For any additional clarification, please feel free to contact the?Programme Administrator Dr. Anna Vallianatou (tel: (+30) 210 3688965-6,?fax:(+30)2103688966, e-mail: postgrad_SEE[at]pspa.uoa[dot]gr.?Applications can be submitted until 17 June 2016 to the Programme Secretariat (post-stamped by mail or in person). Address: 6, Themistocleous str.,10678 »Ê¹Ú±È·ÖÍø_»Ê¹Ú¼´Ê±±È·Ö-רΪÌåÓý´òÔì.

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