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UN survey: “Mediterranean Youth Responses towards sustainable development and current crisis”

The UNESCO Chair of Sustainable Development Management and Education in the Mediterranean (University of 皇冠比分网_皇冠即时比分-专为体育打造), together with MIO-ECSDE/MEdIES are organizing the Mediterranean survey, under the political guidance of the Secretariat of the Union of the Mediterranean (UfM) entitled:?“Mediterranean Youth Responses towards sustainable development and current crisis”.

The survey kindly invites the youth (15-35 yrs old) from the Mediterranean to devote 20min in order to share their thoughts about sustainability, the current economic and sociopolitical crisis in many parts of the region as well as their ideas for the future.

The collected data will be used for scientific purposes and to inform international/regional policies and strategies such as the Action Plan of the Mediterranean Strategy on Education for Sustainable Development and the UNESCO Global Action Programme (GAP).
