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School of Theology

Department?of Theology
Panepistimiopolis, 15772 Ano Ilissia (2nd floor)

Answering machine (+30) 210 727 5713
Tel. (+30) 210 727 5714, 5717, 5719, 5872
Fax (+30) 210 727 5811
e-mail secr[at]theol.uoa[dot]gr


Department?of Social Theology
Panepistimiopolis, 15772 Ano Ilissia (2nd floor)

Answering machine (+30) 210 727 5820
Tel. (+30) 210 727 5712, 5716, 5720, 5715
Fax (+30) 210 727 5711
e-mail secr(at)soctheol.uoa.gr