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Accessibility Unit for Students with Disabilities

he mission of the Accessibility Unit for Students with Disabilities is?to actively realize coequal access to academic studies for students with different abilities and needs, through built environmental modifications, Assistive Technologies and access services.

The basic requirements of the students with disabilities include:

  • access to interpersonal communication with the members of the academic community,
  • access to the built environment of the university,
  • access to the printed or electronic educational material,
  • access to the board and the presentations in the classrooms,
  • access to the exams/tests, and
  • access to the information and the WWW content.

The Accessibility Unit for Students with Disabilities was officially founded and operates after the decision of the Academic Senate (February 23, 2006) and the decision of the Rector's Council (March 22, 2006).


Telephone:?+ 30 210-727 5183

E-mail: access[at]uoa[dot]gr


