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Maraslean Teaching Centre

Τhe Maraslean Teaching Centre of Primary Education was housed in ?1905 in a neoclassical building plot that was given by Petraki Monastery after the initiative taken by the Teaching Association of Greece ?(1875). The expenditure for the erection of the building, the furnishing and its? enrichment with teaching aids were realized through a donation of the national benefactor Gregory Marasli, who was coming from Odessa of Ukraine.?


Till 1933, there operated a Teaching Centre, which trained teachers. From that year on, the teachers’ training was undertaken by the Pedagogical Academies, also including the Maraslean Pedagogical Academy, that was housed in the neoclassical building of Marasli. ?From 1972, the Maraslean Teaching Centre of Primary Education was reestablished and operated at ?the same place as a teacher training institution there on.



Address:?4, Marasli str., 132 45 Atehs

Telephone: +30?210-3689584-6 , +30 210-7244213

Fax:?+30 210-7244213

E-mail: mardid(at)primedu.uoa.gr

